Shorts+Connect: Digital forum for film culture, film education and networks

With “Shorts+Connect: Digital Forum for Film Culture, Film Education and Networks”, Bewegliche Ziele e.V. and INTERFILM aim to pioneer a forum and platform for cultural film sessions and film education in the digital space, which can act as a supplement to or substitute for physical events.


Exchange. Encounter. Discuss.
Every year, the interfilm festival’s professional program, the Interforum, offers a platform for exchange between international guests, filmmakers, professional visitors and the audience. Experts pass on their knowledge in master classes and discuss burning issues on panels.

See all the live recording of Panels, Masterclasses and Talks here.

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Script Pitch

Every film starts with a screenplay!

The international Script Pitch is focusing on international authors and their powerful ideas. Nine finalists have been selected from a pool of over 360 applications from more than 70 countries to present their project in front of industry guests during the festival. After a four-day Script Lab, the finalists have to present their script to a jury in only five minutes!

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Script Pitch

Every film starts with a screenplay!

The international Script Pitch is focusing on international authors and their powerful ideas. Nine finalists have been selected from a pool of over 360 applications from more than 70 countries to present their project in front of industry guests during the festival. After a four-day Script Lab, the finalists have to present their script to a jury in only five minutes!

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Kurzfilm im Klassenraum (Short Film in the Classroom) is an online platform for secondary levels I and II that streams contemporary, stimulating short films to schools nationwide throughout the year at an affordable price in the form of an annual subscription.
The entire project, including the selection of the films, the overall approach and the creation of the accompanying materials, was carried out in collaboration between film curators and educators from various faculties.
Through these entertaining and empathetic films, we aim to give tomorrow’s cinema-goers an understanding of the craft of film and encourage them to perceive themselves as part of a vibrant democratic society.

Kurzfilm im Klassenraum ist eine Online-Plattform für die Sekundarstufen I und II, die das ganze Jahr über aktuelle, anregende Kurzfilme zu einem erschwinglichen Preis in Form eines Jahresabonnements an Schulen in ganz Deutschland streamt.
Das Gesamtprojekt, die Filmauswahl, Herangehensweisen und Erstellung der Begleitmaterialien erfolgte in Zusammenarbeit zwischen Filmkurator*innen und Pädagog:innen verschiedener Fachbereiche.
Mit den kurzweiligen und empathischen Filmen wollen wir dem Kinopublikum von morgen das Handwerk Film näher bringen und sie fördern sich als Teil einer lebendigen demokratischen Gesellschaft wahrzunehmen.

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